Sunday 3 June 2012

PPD - Make your mark

Online Presence & Social Networking

Twitter account.

I didn't have a twitter account before starting this module and from what little I knew of it I didn't think much of it. It sounded like someone had taken the status update function from Facebook and created a simple website based around that and then they limited the amount you can update.

I WAS WRONG. Twitter is invaluable, Its a great source of information, inspiration and publicity. I'm already being followed by 30 or so design agencies and designers in the UK. I've avoided following my friends as I want this to be a more professional sources of social networking. Plus I don't want to see anymore of the rubbish you get on Facebook about what people have had for lunch or how their lives are so interesting they have to tell the whole world (note to self, delete all friends who do this off Facebook)

Facebook Page.

Although it's not the most effective way of networking I still find some relevance in it. It allows me to show my friends and family what it is that I'm doing and have been up to with my work. It will be useful if I go freelance because it opens up more opportunities to get work.
I already had this page set up last summer but it was just full of my old sketches and nothing that really showcases my best work or who I am as a designer. So, I have refurbished and redesigned the page to make it fit in with my personal branding. It hasn't got anymore likes as of yet but I will be updating it with personal projects and links and pushing it out publicly on my personal Facebook account more to spark interest in people.


I'm still not brilliant with this but I'm getting better. So far I've just uploaded a few images of my work but nothing with any depth of discussion or explanation about the projects. Over summer I will be regularly updating my Tumblr account and linking everything to Twitter to try and create a buzz about my work.

Behance Network.

My account is still very primitive and I'm only following one or two people at the moment. Like Tumblr i will be updating my account regularly over summer. The work will basically be the same on each account but it's all good publicity.

I've only had time to upload my most recent work at this point in time.

Cargo Collective.

I've applied for an invitation to Cargo Collective to set up a shop online as a temporary substitute for a personal website. The websites I've already seen are very simple and easy to navigate which is basically what I would be going for in my own website.

The application is still pending.

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