Friday 9 November 2012

SOFTWARE - Web session 1

recap from last year

- what is the website for? purpose
- who is the website for? target audience
- what does the audience need from the website?

designing a website for yourself

- friends
- design studios
- collaborators
- employees
- clients

Design should reflect the purpose of the website. Look at websites and the first three words that come to mind should describe the brand/ company/ purpose of the website. If it doesn't then its not a well designed site.

Think about what the client wants. Don't design for designers, the client is important and their input can be invaluable.

John Ducket - HTML&CSS (book on webdesign)

Internet is 22 years old (born 1990)

wed resolution - 72dpi WRONG!

its actually 96dpi - designers didn't like the change so they still work to 72dpi

meta tags - for keywords, for when people search in search engines like google

- means from now on we're talking in html

- means that the html is closed
- this is anything that adds to the functionality of the design, not anything to do with the design

- means that the head tag is closed

- close body tag

Working in dreamweaver you have to keep all your files in one folder so the file will work.

URL - uniform resource locator

You have to buy webspace and a domain name to make a website go live and be accessible.

Set up a root folder (in user work) name it but keep it lower case and just letters and numbers.
Create a folder called 'images' within that folder.

Go to 'site' in dreamweaver and click new site and link the root folder and name the site. Click save and the folder should appear in the files tab in dreamweaver.

Always save before you preview in the web browser.

Never copy and paste code from another website as it wont work. Typing it out will though.

CSS - write out the code once and then link it to the html pages - saves you writing out the code over and over or recoding.


/* */ - symbols for notes to yourself - these wont appear in your website.

{} - these open and close lines of code

body - relates to the html, not necessary but it helps to reference each of them.

alt +3 makes a hashtag # - use these to create a div id (

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