Tuesday 18 October 2011

'GOOD IS' - Wrap It Up - Package crit

Similarly to the last crit we had to present our work on its on and then move to another group to crit their designs.

The feedback I got was a bit frustrating as some of the things being said, although constructive, aren't quite accurate and relevant to my 'good'.
For instance, the lines on my design representing the strings of a ukulele start with the thinest string then the thickest and the next thickest after that and again the next after that. This is how a ukulele is strung and it's part of the instruments character and is one of the reasons it sounds the way it does.
The feedback given to me stated 'strings get thicker lower down - keep visual references appropriate' and 'strings get thicker the lower the tone. You know this. Apply to design. At the moment it doesn't follow that reference'
Being a ukulele player myself and having done my research I know that the referencing for that part of my logo was correct and appropriate. I would imagine that the group criting my work didn't know this about the ukulele.

Although this bit of feedback was frustrating it does now raise an issue of how to educate people that the ukulele is strung the way it is and not like the standard stringing of a guitar.

Positives and strengths from the feed back.

- Like the strings going around the edge of the bottle net package
- well crafted
- combination of image and type

Areas for improvement

- the curves on the guitar shape clash with the strings

I will have to look into either making the guitar less curved or maybe even making the strings curved themselves to keep that flowing of the curves.

- needs to visually represent a ukulele more

The group mentioned that it looks too much like a guitar, which i cant argue that it doesn't, however, a ukulele is a miniature Hawaiian guitar and it takes the exact same shape and aesthetic as a guitar. Speaking to some of the group I asked what I could do to make it come across as a ukulele and not a guitar. They thought that if i included some sort of Hawaiian reference such as the hibiscus flower which is the native plant of Hawaii. This could be a good addition to the logo but I feel it may clash with the typeface and tone of voice.

- try some more typefaces, the word 'strings' similar to  'syrings' - LEGIBILITY

The letters seemed to be too squashed together and the typeface wasn't very legible although still readable.

- use all the faces of the net not just the front

I agree with this bit of the feedback completely, I felt I didn't have much time in the end to experiment with the layout of the design, but looking at everyone else's packaging I've been inspired to go back and address and few things such as...

- the inside of the net
- how the package is opened up and how the audience has the information revealed to them
- using the logo more than once on the net
- a second colour
- more use of colour on the stock, not being shy of putting down a lot of ink in places

I may even try changing the word 'strings' to ukulele to make it about my 'good' rather than just apart of it.

So a bit of a mixed bag but overall I've got a lot of useful points to address now. 

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