Monday 22 November 2010

Illustrator - Evaluation

What is being communicated and how?
The letter A is being communicated through 26 differing visual representations and manipulations of the original letterform.

How well does this answer the brief?
I feel as though i have answered the brief really well in terms of the visual results I'm happy with the majority of the outcomes and the colour restrictions weren't a problem. I left the first letterform in its original state to see the comparison to its altered forms.

How well has the idea been visually explored?
The ideas have been extensively explored and made so thats each on differs from the rest really push my creativity out and stretching my skills on illustrator. Doing this has helped me learn a few new techniques and short cuts which will be useful in future briefs.

What are the strengths of the resolution?
I would say the strengths of the final outcome are the colours and the dynamic of aesthetics throughout. The colours aren't visually offensive so it makes it easier to look at and also i didn't restrict myself to having to use both colours in each letter which made it easier to give each outcome its own unique look.

How could it be improved?
Overall im satisfied with it but there were one or two letterforms that i felt were finished to a substandard level to the rest so i would go back a change them.

General comments...
I enjoyed this brief and i feel like I've learnt a lot from it which makes me feel positive for the next module.

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