Sunday 21 November 2010

Message and Interpretation - Evaluation

What is being communicated and how?
The work is communicating the issue of how much it costs to clean up graffiti vandalism.

How well does this answer the brief?
I think it gets the message across and it speaks clearly to the audience, however it does seem to lack in terms of impact. I found the image poster the most challenging to design as i was trying to use a lot of visuals to get as much information across. In the end i had to simplify it and just include the bare essentials and it works much better that way.
How well has the idea been visually explored?
I didn't explore the visuals very much before i began to create my designs but i was already very familiar with the different visual connotations that come with the subject matter. However i think it still would have been more beneficial to sketch out more visuals and develop them further than what i already know.

What are the strengths of the resolution?
The visuals and ideas of composition work well but i wasn't happy with my final outcome overall.

How could it be improved?
The colours work well but the don't give the impact i  was trying to achieve because at the same time i wanted them to relate to the colour of money and concrete to strengthen the messages context.
I would personally like the images to be less messy and more refined they appear almost tacky looking at them now after having the feedback

General comments...
I thought this was a good brief but i feel i haven't executed it as best i could. In future i think i'll try and keep things simpler and focus more on how the image is presented and presents itself. Also I've learnt that i don't have to fill a page or screen or poster.

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