Tuesday 24 January 2012

Enterprise & Innovation - Logo redesigns

In response to some decisions made by the group on location and some feedback from Jane I've redesigned the logo for our business. This will most probably become the final design unless we have time to readdress it later on as this isn't a logo design brief and it's purely so we can apply it to the promotional side of the business at this point.

These are the 3 designs from the first redesign of the logo for the press ad. It was brought to our attention that as we are going to be based in the north on england it might be a bit confusing to have a logo that points downwards with the arrow, this would imply that we are based in the south. On top of this it has connotations of decline which is quite the opposite of what our business is intending to do with our customers and clients.

As I have spent most of the time on the logos already It was only fitting that I take on the role to redesign it again. I haven't changed much as the concept behind the logo is quite strong and very relevant to the business.

The main angle of the redesign was to reverse the direction of the arrow, this in turn would reverse that idea of decline and downfall along with the idea that we area located in the south.

This one below wasn't working at all and i had to scrap the idea. I was trying to amend the design itself and salvage it but I realised quickly it wasn't worth the time.

This final one is perhaps my favourite. It retains the concept that we, as a business, will take our clients and refresh their brand/identity/company by 'taking them back to the start'. The arrow, which moves past the start point of the company name 'Re:' implies that our business will also take our clients further and give them that push start after revamping them. Lastly the arrow is pointing upwards and to the north/northeast which is most likely where we will be based on a realistic level.

Colour choices.

I played around with colours and layering up colours but they were more for a 'nice' visual and trying to be eye catching. We discussed it as a group and concluded that the most 'Re'-freshing colours would be cold colours like Aqua, Turquoise and Cyan. Below are some colour swatches and their application to the logo. We all agreed to stay away from greens as it would sit to closely to the idea that we are a recycling company.

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