Thursday 24 November 2011

GD Illustration Zine.

I've had an idea for a an extra curricular side project that will give the students on the course a chance to do something illustrative and completely raw. The purpose behind this is to give people a break from having a structure to their design work and being completely free in their creativity.

The form of this project is a short run fan zine which I will print myself in my own time on cheap newsprint, I'm going to plan out some specifications to make it easier for me to create the zine and not have it impact on my other briefs.

The has already been forwarded to the 2nd years and if there its enough interest then I will put it forward to the 1st and 3rd years as well.

The deadline I've set my self for this task is the week before we break up for the Christmas period.


- Has to be illustrated - this could be hand rendered or created digitally
- the work submitted can be either a singular piece or a series of illustrations
- it has to fit on an A4 sheet so if its bigger it will need to be photographed - if vectored and created digitally this wont be a problem but will need to be submitted as a file
- for display options, you may want to photograph parts of your work up close and then have the full illustration as well, Its up to you.
- additional information about yourself and the design can be included as well e.g. name of designer/ name of piece/ inspiration behind it
- for now the artwork must be black and whit due to a lack of funding for printing. Remember you can use tints and opacity to help get around this if your feeling limited

The above will be sent out to all the 2nd years so they can produce something suitable for this project. I myself will also be contributing to the zine to get it going.

Other specifications.

- Simple type cover
- layout very simple, lots of even blank space.
- printed onto cheap newsprint 
- printed in my own time in the mac suite
- use Indesign!
- create a Facebook page for the idea to help put word out to the students.

Considerations for extension.

Using the Facebook group to invite other courses to get involved and submit work.
- invite the other years to be a part
- run more editions with new illustrations with different themes

This all depends on the success of the idea and the contribution of the other students, I don't want to be asking too much of them or myself as we have a lot of other commitments but I want to try this and see what comes of it. Ultimately its a really good opportunity to work with Indesign and practice my software skills which are somewhat lacking.

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