Thursday 3 November 2011

SWAP SHOP - first meeting

During the form rep meeting today we discussed with Amber and the first year reps a plan for a cross course swap shop. The general idea being that everyone and anyone in the college from all disciplines and come along and hand in some work, whether is printed or digital, 2D or 3D and in return can get someone else's work to keep.

We feel that this would be a good way for people to see what the other courses are doing and also it's a great opportunity for people to get their names out and show off. The work could be course related, personal, or even just a side project that someone has done. Maybe even a little doodle that they touched up and developed for fun.

To begin with we talked about how we thought people would react to this and some issues came up...

- quality of the work being swapped

It was agreed that the work needs to be on a like for like basis or equivalent for example 2 sheets of A2 for a sheet of A1

- how will it be run?

It would be run by either first or second years or both. Whoever has the time and would like to take part will determine this.

- when would it be held?

We suggested two dates 2nd and 9th of December but Amber directed us towards the 2nd as the 9th would conflict with other arrangements for both years.

- where would be best to do it?

The original scope was to have it in the Mosaic Cafe over a lunch period or for an afternoon on a friday or wednesday when someone from each year group would be available to run it. But as its a fresh idea with no budget we decided to keep it small and low key to test it out.

So the swap shop will be held in studio 4 instead and will be on the 2nd of December which is a Friday between 11:30am and 2:00pm

- design float?

We figured that we would need a design float to get the shop going so we plan to put a notice up on the VLE and the registration board to notify everyone on all three years that we are looking for donations towards the shop to kick start it. This should go down well as its a nice opportunity for people to do some raw creative designs and illustrations without any major restrictions.

- advertising the shop?

As the shop is only going to be a test run this time and its based internally at the moment there wont be any need to print of a mass amount of posters to put around college. It would need between 5 and 10 A4/A3 posters printed digitally with the basic information about where it will be held and when and the purpose for the shop existence. 

- guidelines/format?

Even with a like for like system of swapping there is still an issue of people coming with things that might not be able to match up, so we discussed how we could go about setting some loose guidelines to what people should bring...

- printed media only
- no bigger than A1
- no smaller than A3
- can be trimmed down
- primarily looking for posters.

These guidelines will hopefully make people produce work that we wont have an issue with swapping so they are free to choose what the want in return without objection.

- artist recognition?

This is something that is crucial the to swap shops purpose, which is to get people known and share work and details. Each person that donates work the the shop or comes and makes an exchange will be asked to fill out a small registration card with details such as...

- artist/designers name
- name of piece
- year group (maybe)
- email or web adress
- professional interests (maybe)

This would then be attached to their design with a paper clip or something similar so people can see who has done what even if they don't swap their work with those pieces.

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