Tuesday 1 November 2011

PPD Progress Tutorial

The tutorial I found to be quite positive, Lorenzo and I discussed the second year so far and how i was coping with everything. I feel as though i'm doing well but I always have that itch that something else can be done that will make me and/or my work better.

We agreed that my Attendance was very good/excellent as I've had 100% attendance. My own personal addition is to make more of an effort to come in for the visiting professionals talks as I haven't attended any so far.

Issues raised during the tutorial - My ISSUU task lacks content and needs to be readdressed and updated so that it contains visual references and key information on the sub topics that I have outlined. Also I need to get on with generating proposals and examples of resolutions for the 'Good' crits this week.

My Blog 
- Fairly well subscripted/documented
- need to blog more regularly
- be more critical and organise some areas of posts better
- move widgets to the right side of the blog layout

overall - Satisfactory

Current Progress
- fairly focussed and committed
- enjoy playing with concepts and produce lots more responses

overall - Satisfactory

Action Plan

Tidy up Blog

Deadline: NOW

Generate a clearer idea of your 'Good' concept

Deadline: Thursday 3rd November.

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