Wednesday 16 November 2011

PPD Tutorial.

I am not a student, I am a professional in training.
Graphic Design is not an industry, it is a profession.

I have to remember I am the best, I will be desirable No.1 when leaving college because I'll be fresh and up to date and eager to get a job.

Don't ever laugh off a job, give equal worth to every job - if you have a week to do something and your busy with other jobs as well, make time for it throughout the week.

Who do you know? Course mates, tutors, people from other years/ other courses, college alumni, visiting professionals, people from work placements and experience, past clients, friends, family, favourite practicing professionals...

Skype - get talking to people on Skype, don't be shy of talking face to face on a computer.

First things first - BUSINESS CARD - or (for printing)
Functionality comes first, make sure it communicates who you are and has a way for them to get in touch with you.

Then be creative, develop so the functionality becomes the creativity.

Creative C.V - not full of GCSE's or A Level qualifications

Should have things like: -

- previous works
- former employers and work placements
- aspirations

Make it a like your personal shop window - a glance at you - all about you - creative memory jogger

Milk carton example.

You are a commercial artist, you work for money not for free.

Portfolio comes later - needs to be built up properly and carefully.

SPELLING/ NAMES/ GRAMMAR - get these right or you wont get a chance.

Don't be selfish but be competitive.

Never lose sight of the fun - 9 times out of 10 we create our own stress.

The image makers (book)

Plan who your aiming at.
It's all about you.

Contact - telephone personal - email not as personal - postcard or letter very personal

Ask questions but not too many at once, be persistent. If your sending a file make it small, PDF shrink software.

Tim TM Marketing - youtube

Write down what you want to talk about if you make a phone call.

Don't do work they already do it makes you look pointless in hiring.

Duplicate your work - back it up in 3 places.

Always take something away from a meeting - feedback, advice, contacts, business cards, a piece of work (hopefully a job offer)

"And one more thing" - what extra thing can you offer after fulfilling the clients request - present your work then show them what they could of won.

Communication is a full time occupation.

Print will never die.

If you can think it, someone can do it.
interactive walls

interactive pool table - playing pool on a pool effect.

be aware of these possibilities, you don't have to actually use them - never stop thinking bigger.

Think of the bigger idea - do the best you can for each client.
Ideas don't go away - they just get stored away.

Ask about travel and living expenses, they may be able and willing to help you cope.

Don't react badly - ask why its bad or why its not working for them - how you can make it better or work?


Ultimately I need to start researching into these 5 topics. I've made lists of starting points for each one to give me plenty to consider and investigate. I'm going to aim to have my first business card printed before Christmas.

Business Card
- functionality
- printing
- creativity
- accuracy
- give one to parents

Creative CV
- mail shot
- letters
 - design
- aspirations
- previous work, jobs, placements
- skills
- personality
- humour

- build up
- physical
- digital
- compact
- tidy
- well presented
- communicate

- who are they?
- where are they?
- why them?
- what can you offer?
- ask questions
- persistence plan

- ask them for some
- come away with something
- leave your business card and a good impression

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